Recap of #TTNxSSSummerBash!


Remember that awesome event Starla and I threw last month at The League? Well, in case you had forgotten or missed it, here are some photos from the event that were shot by the amazing Don Lee! He truly captured the intensity of the hour workout led by the owner and lead instructor, Terry, and Marlee! 

Thank you to all that attended and donated shoes for the homeless. We donated 17 pairs of shoes, y'all! Also, thank you to Bayou City Bucha, Michele's Granola, B.O.S.S. Food Co., LIFEAID, and Wipala Healthy Snacks. If you want more details of our generous sponsors, here's the post all about them! 


This event was a success thanks to each of you! We appreciate you and your support. I will be planning other fun To The Nines events. Subscribe to my blog at the bottom of the page, and you will be notified, once the details are confirmed! 

Also, if you are looking to mix up your workouts, I teach HIIT classes on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in The Heights at 5:30 a.m. and starting today, August 21st, at 6:00 p.m.! Come get a high intensity workout in! Send me a message, and I will give you details of the locations.

Happy Monday, y'all!!!


Teresa Thuy